Lucia Bustamante


Featured events of the year

I joined Goole Women Techmakers as Ambassador in Uruguay.

On July 2023 I have been selected as an Ambassador for the Googe Women Techmakers program, representing Uruguay. Women Techmakers Ambassadors are leaders around the world who are passionate about empowering their communities through organizing events, public speaking, creating content, and mentoring. With access to a global community and exclusive resources, Ambassadors are helping build a world where all women can thrive in tech.

Building the present towards a more inclusive access to information. Rethinking the use of artificial intelligence from a gender perspective.

On September 5, the Mujeres IT community was convened by Agesic (Electronic Government and Information and Knowledge Society Agency), an executing unit with technical autonomy dependent on the Presidency of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay. Agesic is in the process of reviewing the AI Strategy and preparing the National Data Strategy for Uruguay, opening different dialogue tables: "Artificial Intelligence: opportunities and challenges of a national strategy".

Mujeres IT was summoned to the dialogue table: "Artificial Intelligence: opportunities and challenges of a national strategy" with the aim of generating proposals on specific actions or lines of work to mainstream the gender perspective in the strategy. It was a very important milestone for the community, being able to contribute to building the present towards a more inclusive access to information.

I joined the Growthmentor platform, as a mentor for startups and entrepreneurs.

I offer mentoring and consulting in the areas of idea validation, market study, user research and user onboarding. You can check my profile here.